Sunday, May 8, 2011

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Medora, North Dakota

It’s a scant 280 miles from Ft. Ransom, N.D. to Theodore Roosevelt National Park in Medora, North Dakota, and a straight line on I-94 from one end of the state to the other.
The summer season starts the first week of May, and as I was, as usual, early, I again was the only camper in Cottonwood campground, the same campground that I was in last year. Bison are prolific here and I was greeted by a few when I choose my site. Two hundred yards of grassland that stops at the Little Missouri River and meets the buttes on the other side. Not a bad view for a mere $2.50 daily winter rate camping fee.
My first few days here were weather wise beautiful. I took the 36 mile loop road around the park and was most fortunate to photographic two groups of feral horses that seem to not mind at all my intent interest in there wildness and beauty. Prairie Dogs, deer and the accommodating warm weather was a nice treat and I was most appreciative to be finally getting away from snow. The next day and the next after that were a totally different story. I was camper ridden for two days of snow and between the shaking of the camper because of the winds and changing out propane canisters for my little heater I had time to write the following, which will explain exactly what I was experiencing:

                                A BLIZZARD IN NORTH DAKOTA

Have you ever experienced a snow blizzard? I’m not talking about the “ah, come on Mon, it’s snowing, I don’t want to go to school” type snowing. What I am talking about here is the 65 mile an hour gusts with blowing snow and really cold temperatures type snowing. Blizzard snowing. Not so bad you say? Well you would be correct if you were in your home, but try it in a pop up camper, which I have said before is a similar to a glorified tent. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my camper and it has been home for a good while now, but to say that it was not made for the kind of weather I am talking about and that being in one is a challenge, to say the least, would be an under statement. For the past 24 hours the winds have had my little home rocking and reeling. Not like the cutesy plaque you may sometimes see in front of the Jones or the Brattenwards camper that says “ If this camper is rocking, don’t bother knocking”, no, not that kind of rocking. Really scary rocking that gives me pause to doubt my own sanity for not starting this trip in July”?
Well, the winds are now slightly subsiding. It’s 8:30 a m and I have been up since, well actually I haven’t been to bed yet. Peeking outside I seen snow, lots and lots of snow and the sun.
What’s ironic is that the sun is shinning and the snow is blowing. “Annie” was right about the sun coming up tomorrow, but she never said a thing about this damn wind! TC out, alive and well…(photos)
So that’s what I went through, and by the way, have had the distinction of being recognized by park rangers and even Medora townspeople as “The guy in the pop up, who lived through the blizzard”. Not a bad distinction, I guess.
I have been here for almost two weeks now and have enjoyed myself immensely. I even thought about taking a job at the Medora Convenience & Liquor Store, but after careful consideration, decided more about continuing to travel. After all, Alaska and many points in between are waiting to be experienced and enjoyed.
Medora is a small town that Theodore Roosevelt made his home and where he loved his “Badlands”.
The park itself is the place that he wrote many books from and is what gave him so much pleasure. He made many friends here and even said that if it were not for his experiences in the Badlands and North Dakota, he may not have made it to the White House. I have made friends here too and below are some pictures of the people I have met and places I have visited and enjoyed. Hope you enjoy too. TC…
                                 My friendly neighbors came for a visit.


                                          Blizzard Fun.....

                      Can I go out and play in the snow Mom?                       
                                             Feral Horses.

                                         This shot was taken across from my camp, across the meadow and up on the mountain from about 450 feet or so.  These two would appear almost nightly a few hours before sunset and just graze for hours.  When one or the other would get far from the other, they would call as if to say, "hey where are you going?" and then they would join up again and stay close together. I would sit in front of the fire and watch these two across the grasses as if it were my own personal TV channel.  I always wondered where they would go as the sun set.  To their own hidden protected little part of the park to bed down for the night where they felt safe, I assumed. TC...
 Mary, daughter Ashley and Doug.  The owners of Western Edge Books where I am now adding the final touches to this entry. They have both been very kind to me with great conversation, coffee, and Mary allowing me to do my laundry in the basement of the store.  The store is a virtual treasure of Western history which is Doug's specialty.  Doug is an accomplished writer who has written several books about his love, the history of the West, as well as recently being a guest on the History Channel.  If you are ever in Medora, missing Wester Edge Books would be a mistake.
                                Leona and her friend.  Leona is the adminisrator of the Billings County Courthouse Museum.  She makes great fudge too.

No vist to Medora would be complete without a vist to the famed
Chateau de Mores.  My friend Karne was not around for a photo, but has been friendly and informative.

                            I leave you with the above present that was left for me by a Bison that came to visit.  Now, don't think of it as regifting, no, think of it as sharing the wealth.  TC...