From Westcliff and Silver Cliff the scenery and beautiful mountain views were spectacular. My destination was the mining town of Cripple Creek. As it was near the summit of Pikes Peak with mining tours, casinos, and more, it presented a great opportunity to see the history of this popular town. On the way in, I found an amazing little campground named Lost Burro not to far from town and made it my home for a few days. Set in a valley with a running steam 20 feet from my camper was a perfect setting. Cripple Creek is a Las Vegas style town with the same type of gambling available. I gave back my Dodge City winnings, but had a great time doing it. The casino The Brass Ass reminded me of all the time I have been spending in the drivers seat.
The Mollie Kathleen Gold Mine Tour was very interesting and the 1000 foot elevator ride to the 10th level was very cool.
The picture of the coyote is there for a reason. It was taken at the Pikes Peak Heritage Center, but on the way into Cripple Creek I saw that guy’s cousin on the side of the road and he didn’t look much different from the one in the picture. Cousins.
As I am at an altitude of over 9000 feet the weather is quite cold. This morning I woke up to, according to weather dot com, 25 degrees and it said, “feels like 16”. There was also some snow, all gone now but still pretty cold. Colorado, awesome. Enjoy the pictures. TC…
See my Jeep? Just checking.
Scary huh?
Tour guy.
P.S. Remember the song by The Band, Cripple Creek?
"Up on Cripple Creek, she sends me
when I spring a leak, she mends me
I don't have to speak, she defends me
A drunkards dream if I ever did see one".