As for our national parks, well, you are going to have to see them for yourself, because there is no way that I can do justice to their excitement, beauty, and the sheer wonder of experiencing them on your own. A suggestion though, consider investing in the six DVD set by Ken Burns, Our National Parks, America’s Best Idea, you will want to see it more than once and it may just inspire you in planning your next vacation and having your own adventure.
So, a few facts you might find interesting; twenty two thousand miles in eight months, twenty three national parks, if you count the east and west side of Glacier and Olympic National Parks, and I do, count them as separate, as I had to pack up and drive to each, twenty seven states, 1375 gallons of gas (approximately) the excitement, beauty, wonder of the whole experience, priceless……OK, so I borrowed that one from TV.
I appreciate those of you who followed my journey and all of your comments. I look forward to hearing from you again when I set out on my upcoming Alaska adventure, which will be announced when the date is set. Right now February or March is possible. Thanks.