Monday, October 25, 2010

Post Script To Warrior State Park, Tennessee And the Finale

As it turned out, my thought of a short lay over at Warrior State Park turned out to be an enjoyable four days of beautiful weather and a great day at Autumn Fest in the park, presented by Friends of Warrior State Park. I had a fantastic afternoon of trying the local foods and meeting the Remnant Yuchi Indian Tribe members that are indigenous to Tennessee. I was fed by the tribe with food intended for the participants of the tribe, but their generosity seemed to win over the practical. These people are an amazing example of adaptability; sincerity, kindness and most interestingly have the look of the white race. That is to say, they do not look like Native American Indians. Now, I realize that Native Americans do not all look alike, but after you view a few pictures, you will know what I am talking about. We discussed that subject and they too agree. Chief Lee Vest, the chief of the tribe was especially interesting to speak with, and we did at length. Aside from my interesting afternoon with the Yuchi, the Fest offered Fly Tying, flute playing and a great concert by two young woman who sparked my interest in the Violin or if you’re from the South, the fiddle. I also tried the Beans and fried Cornbread which is a local favorite.  I am a convert.
OK, so now onto Great Smoky National Park in both Tennessee and North Carolina. The park is in two states. The plan was to camp for a few weeks, enjoy the changing of the leaves and have Lisa, Chris and Sydney join me for some camping and outdoor fun, but, so much for plans. The park was totally traffic ridden and all the camp grounds were full. After eight months of camping, enjoying and seeing the country, I felt it was time to pull the plug instead of venturing out to find another camp ground. Initially, I was to stop my journey  Thanksgiving and stay with Lisa and Chris, but again, so much for plans.
I am now in Charlotte, N C staying with my daughter and family and enjoying a great bedroom with semi private bath that I share with my granddaughter Sydney. So far she has been the perfect bathroom partner and has removed her potty seat whenever she is through with it. Such and amazing child you have never seen. In the eight months since I have seen her she as learned to speak Russian, mastered Quantum Physics and yes, learned to use the potty with almost regular consistency.
So where to now you may ask? Possibly a position in the National Park Service as an interpretive ranger or an extended trip to Alaska in April, 2011 if the ranger thing doesn't work out this year. It’s still too early to say. There will be one more entry after this with my final thoughts and some interesting facts and figures of my journey.For now enjoy some pictures of Autumn Fest. TC…

                                            Ellen, master weaver.   
                                       Michael, ranger and fly fishing expert.
                                             "Snake" ranger.

                                  Martha Egan, Flutist.
                                          Chair weaving
Young talents.
                                   Jessie and friend.  1800's experts.

                                              Chief Lee Vest and assistant.
                                                 Yuchi women.           

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